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<p style="text-indent: 30px;>The Intellectual Property Management System is a professional standard adopted by the World Society of Creators to optimize the exploitation of the creative potential of humanity. It allows each creator to claim the rights granted to him by the universal treaties, to be able to finance and amortize the development and dissemination of his creation, and to exercise in human society the responsibilities that are his.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>The Intellectual Property Management System is a professional standard adopted by the World Society of Creators to optimize the exploitation of the creative potential of humanity. It allows each creator to claim the rights granted to him by the universal treaties, to be able to finance and amortize the development and dissemination of his creation, and to exercise in human society the responsibilities that are his.
[[File:Triangle d'adaption.JPG|center]]
[[File:Triangle d'adaption 3.jpg|center]]
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>This standard provides simple and effective means to implement the provisions of the European directive which requires any internet provider to obtain the authorization of the rights holder before uploading protected content.</p>
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>This standard provides simple and effective means to implement the provisions of the European directive which requires any internet provider to obtain the authorization of the rights holder before uploading protected content.</p>
[[File:Procédure d autorisation.JPG|center]]
[[File:Authorization procedure..jpg|center]]
<p style=text-align:center;>'''Authorization Process'''</p>
<p style=text-align:center;>'''Authorization Process'''</p>
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==Titre 11. Contrat d’édition==
==Title 11. Publishing contract==
===Article 37.===
===Article 37.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Dans la dernière partie du Creabook, le créateur prend les engagements suivants :
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>In the last part of the Creabook, the creator makes the following commitments:
*accueillir avec bienveillance tous les commentaires formulés pour ou contre la valeur du Creabook ;
*welcome with kindness all comments made for or against the value of the Creabook;
*répondre sous 30 jours à un commentaire négatif fondé sur des preuves réelles et sérieuses contestant tout ou partie de ses droits ;
*respond within 30 days to a negative comment based on real and serious evidence contesting all or part of his rights;
*prendre toute mesure qui s’impose pour préserver sa création suite à une contestation ;
*take any measure necessary to preserve its creation following a dispute;
*notifier au moins 72 heures avant sa date d’effet tout acte affectant le périmètre, la nature, l’étendue ou les effets de son droit de propriété sur la création (y inclus les licences) ;
*notify at least 72 hours before its effective date of any act affecting the perimeter, nature, extent or effects of its property right on the creation (including licenses);
*garantir par sa caution personnelle l’exclusivité de l’enregistrement de son livre sur le Registre unique des Créations et la publication des actes affectant le statut de son droit de propriété sur la création ;
*guarantee by his personal guarantee the exclusivity of the registration of his book on the Single register of Creations and the publication of acts affecting the status of his property right in the creation;
*poursuivre l’amélioration constante des qualités de sa création ;
*continue to constantly improve the qualities of its creation;
*souscrire à toutes ses obligations d’affilié ou de sociétaire de la SmC, notamment celles relatives à l’organisation de sa succession de créateur.
*subscribe to all of his obligations as affiliate or member of the SmC, in particular those relating to the organization of his succession as creator.
===Article 38.===
===Article 38.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Sa signature confirme les engagements ci-dessus.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>His signature confirms the above commitments.
==Titre 12. Disposition standardisée==
==Title 12. Standard provision==
===Article 39.===
===Article 39.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Le Creabook et ses annexes se conforment à une structure standard.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>The Creabook and its annexes follow a standard structure.
===Article 40.===
===Article 40.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Le livre se compose d’une introduction, d’au moins un élément créatif, d’une partie évaluation économique et une partie contractuelle.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>The book consists of an introduction, at least one creative element, an economic evaluation part and a contractual part.
===Article 41.===
===Article 41.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Des balises standards sont utilisées pour structurer le ou les éléments créatifs qui compose(nt) la création :
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Standard tags are used to structure the creative element (s) that make up the creation:
# Problème
# Problem
# Facteur
# Factor
# Expression
# Expression
# Implémentation
# Implementation
# Revendication
# Claim
# Distinction
# Distinction
==Titre 13. Certification de la conformité==
==Title 13. Certification of conformity==
===Article 42.===
===Article 42.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Après un délai de six mois au cours duquel le Creabook est exposé aux commentaires des utilisateurs de la Plate-forme et suite aux ajustements auxquels le Créateur accepte de procéder, ce dernier peut demander à la SmC de nommer un expert afin que sa conformité soit certifiée.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>After a period of six months during which the Creabook is exposed to comments from users of the Platform and following the adjustments to which the Creator agrees to make, the latter may ask the WcS to appoint an expert so that its compliance is certified.
===Article 43.===
===Article 43.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>L’examinateur, qui est lié par le secret professionnel, reçoit un passe du créateur pour lui permettre de consulter les annexes éventuellement cryptées.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>The examiner, who is bound by professional secrecy, receives a pass from the creator to allow him to consult any encrypted annexes.
===Article 44.===
===Article 44.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Le contrôle de conformité est un contrôle formel qui vise à assurer les utilisateurs que le Creabook est conforme aux prescriptions du présent Standard ; à savoir :
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>The conformity check is a formal check which aims to assure users that the Creabook conforms to the requirements of this Standard; that is to say:
*toutes les parties et balises standards ont bien été renseignées ;
*all the standard parts and tags have been correctly entered;
*les revendications sont expliquées et décrites dans les parties qui précèdent ;
*the claims are explained and described in the preceding parts;
*les pièces annexées comportent des documents qui justifient les éventuelles dates de priorité invoquées par le Creabook ;
*the annexed documents contain documents which justify any priority dates invoked by the Creabook;
*la création est différenciée par rapport aux antériorités ;
*creation is differentiated in relation to prior art;
*le créateur a signé les engagements requis ;
*the creator has signed the required commitments;
*le créateur a répondu de manière crédible aux contestations qui lui ont été opposées par les utilisateurs de la Plate-forme.
*the creator has responded credibly to the disputes that have been raised against him by the users of the Platform.
===Article 45.===
===Article 45.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Une fois le rapport d’examen rédigé, celui-ci est notifié confidentiellement au créateur qui dispose d’un délai de deux mois pour faire connaître ses observations à l’examinateur et éventuellement modifier le Creabook. Ce dernier notifie ensuite au créateur, après la révision éventuelle du Creabook, son rapport définitif.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Once the examination report has been drafted, it is notified confidentially to the creator, who has two months to make his observations known to the examiner and possibly modify the Creabook. The latter then notifies to the creator, after the possible revision of the Creabook, of its final report.
===Article 46.===
===Article 46.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Aucun contrôle a priori n’est opéré par SmC sur les Creabooks. La présomption d’originalité dont il bénéficie est marqué par l’étoile * accolée au logo [CP].
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>No ''a priori'' control is carried out by WcS on the Creabooks. The presumption of originality it enjoys is marked by the star * next to the logo [CP].</p>
Si le rapport de conformité est positif, une seconde étoile est ajoutée au logo [CP*] qui indique que le Creabook est certifié comme conforme [CP**].</p>
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>If the compliance report is positive, a second star is added to the logo [CP *] which indicates that the Creabook is certified as compliant [CP **].
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Les Creabooks dont la conformité a été certifiée sont référencés sur le Cadastre mondial des Créations.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Creabooks whose conformity has been certified are referenced on the World creations Cadaster.</p>
===Article 47.===
===Article 47.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>En cas de non-conformité, la première étoile labellisant la conformité du Creabook est retirée.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>In the event of non-compliance, the first star certifying the compliance of the Creabook is withdrawn.
==Titre 14. Certification de la valeur économique==
==Title 14. Certification of economic value==
===Article 48.===
===Article 48.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Suite à la certification de conformité, le créateur peut demander à la SmC de nommer un expert afin que l’estimation de la valeur économique de sa création soit examinée.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Following the certification of conformity, the creator can ask the WcS to appoint an expert so that the estimate of the economic value of his creation is examined.
===Article 49.===
===Article 49.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>L’examinateur, qui est lié par le secret professionnel, reçoit un passe du créateur pour lui permettre de consulter toutes les annexes, y compris celles éventuellement cryptées.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>The examiner, who is bound by professional secrecy, receives a pass from the creator to allow him to consult all the annexes, including those possibly encrypted.
===Article 50.===
===Article 50.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Sans revenir sur l’évaluation de conformité précédente, l’expert vérifie d’abord que les éventuelles contestations par des utilisateurs de la valeur économique de la création ont reçu une réponse crédible du créateur.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Without going back to the previous conformity assessment, the expert first checks that any disputes by users of the economic value of the creation have received a credible response from the creator.
===Article 51.===
===Article 51.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Le contrôle de l’estimation de la valeur économique est un contrôle formel qui vise à assurer que la déclaration est conforme aux prescriptions du présent Standard. L’expert vérifie la présence des éléments d’estimation suivants :
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>The control of the estimate of economic value is a formal control which aims to ensure that the declaration conforms to the requirements of this Standard. The expert checks the presence of the following estimation elements:
# la valeur technique de la création. Cette valeur est le résultat de comparaison(s) entre le(s) produit(s) issus de la création et le ou les produits concurrents.
# the technical value of creation. This value is the result of comparison (s) between the product (s) resulting from the creation and the competing product (s).
# la valeur coût travail du créateur et celui d’éventuels autres participants à l’oeuvre de création. Cette valeur est approximative. Elle est le résultat de l’addition à la date de l’estimation des journées de travail consacrées à la réalisation des principaux éléments créatifs qui constituent la création.
# the labor cost value of the creator and that of any other participants in the creative work. This value is approximate. It is the result of the addition to the date of the estimate of the working days devoted to the realization of the main creative elements that constitute creation.
# le marché de la création et ses grandes tendances. Pour ce faire, le Creabook doit décrire les marchés existants, les attentes des consommateurs et les grandes tendances de l’évolution.
# the creation market and its major trends. To do this, the Creabook must describe existing markets, consumer expectations and major trends in development.
# le modèle économique d’exploitation de la création. Pour ce faire, le Livre de création doit décrire les sources de revenus et la façon dont l’activité est gérée.
# the economic model for the exploitation of creation. To do this, the Creabook must describe the sources of income and how the business is run.
# la valeur cible de la création. La marge brute atteinte l’an t grâce au niveau d’investissements technique et marketing alloués.
# the target value of the creation. The gross margin achieved in the year t thanks to the level of technical and marketing investments allocated.
===Article 52.===
===Article 52.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>L’expert vérifie l’existence de sources pour chaque chiffre cité et l’exactitude de ces derniers. Il contrôle ensuite le caractère raisonnable et vraisemblable de toutes les prévisions contenues dans l’évaluation du créateur.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>The expert verifies the existence of sources for each figure cited and the accuracy of these. It then checks the reasonableness and plausibility of all forecasts contained in the designer's assessment.
===Article 53.===
===Article 53.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Une fois le rapport d’examen rédigé, celui-ci est notifié confidentiellement au créateur qui dispose d’un délai de deux mois pour faire connaître ses observations à l’expert examinateur. Ce dernier notifie au créateur, après éventuelle révision, son rapport définitif.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Once the examination report has been drafted, it is notified confidentially to the creator, who has two months to make his observations known to the expert examiner. The latter notifies to the creator, after possible revision of the Creabook, its final report.
===Article 54.===
===Article 54.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Si celui-ci est positif, une troisième étoile est ajoutée au label [CP] qui indique que la déclaration est certifiée comme conforme [CP***].
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>If this is positive, a third star is added to the label [CP] which indicates that the declaration is certified as compliant [CP ***].
===Article 55.===
===Article 55.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>S’il est négatif, la troisième étoile n’est pas ajoutée.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>If it is negative, the third star is not added.
===Article 56.===
===Article 56.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Un délai de six mois est nécessaire avant de pouvoir solliciter un nouvel examen.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Six months are required before a new examination can be requested.
==Titre 15. Certification de l’originalité==
==Title 15. Certification of originality==
===Article 57.===
===Article 57.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Suite à la certification économique, le créateur peut demander à la SmC de nommer un jury de 3 à 5 membres pour examiner l’originalité de la création.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Following the economic certification, the creator can ask the SmC to appoint a jury of 3 to 5 members to examine the originality of the creation.
===Article 58.===
===Article 58.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>La procédure de l’examen adopte une forme similaire à la soutenance d’une thèse de doctorat universitaire. Un sociétaire de la SmC est désigné pour organiser et suivre le déroulement des opérations.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>The examination procedure takes a form similar to the defense of a university doctoral thesis. A member of the WcS is appointed to organize and monitor the progress of operations.
===Article 59.===
===Article 59.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Chacun des membres du jury, qui a reçu le mot de passe permettant d’accéder à toutes les annexes cryptées, prend connaissance du Creabook et rédige une note d’examen préalable. Une fois les notes échangées entre les différents membres, le Président du Jury fixe la date de la soutenance en accord avec l’intéressé et avec le sociétaire chargé de l’organisation.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Each of the jury members, who have received the password to access all the encrypted annexes, reads the Creabook and writes a preliminary examination note. Once the notes have been exchanged between the different members, the President of the Jury sets the date of the defense in agreement with the creator and with the SmC member in charge of the organization.
===Article 60.===
===Article 60.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>La soutenance s’effectue au niveau mondial dans une langue commune de référence. Le Creabook doit avoir été traduit au préalable dans cette langue. Si besoin est, le créateur est assisté d’un interprète possédant la compétence nécessaire.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>The defense is carried out worldwide in a common language of reference. The Creabook must have been previously translated into this language. If necessary, the creator is assisted by an interpreter with the necessary skills.
===Article 61.===
===Article 61.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Le contrôle de l’originalité de la création est un contrôle de forme et de fond qui vise à assurer que le Creabook est conforme à toutes les stipulations du présent Standard et notamment que :
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>The control of the originality of the creation is a control of form and substance which aims to ensure that the Creabook complies with all the stipulations of this Standard and in particular that:
# le déclarant est bien l’auteur de la création ;
# the declarant is indeed the author of the creation;
# il dispose de tous les mandats nécessaires ;
# he has all the necessary mandates;
# les examens de conformité et d’économie sont fondés ;
# the reviews of conformity and economics are well founded;
# l'œuvre apparaît aux membres du jury comme présentant un caractère original.
# the work appears to the members of the jury as having an original character.
===Article 62.===
===Article 62.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Une fois le rapport d’examen rédigé, celui-ci est notifié confidentiellement au créateur qui dispose d’un délai de deux mois pour faire connaître ses observations. Après éventuelle révision du Creabook, la Commission lui notifie son rapport définitif.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Once the examination report has been drafted, it is confidentially notified to the creator, who has two months to make his observations known. After possible revision of the Creabook, the Commission notifies to the creator its final report.
===Article 63.===
===Article 63.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Si celui-ci est positif, une quatrième étoile est ajoutée au logo [CP]. Elle signifie que le Creabook est certifié comme original (CP****).
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>If this is positive, a fourth star is added to the [CP] logo. It means that the Creabook is certified as original (CP ****).
===Article 64.===
===Article 64.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Dans le cas contraire, la Commission peut accorder au créateur une seconde soutenance. Auquel cas, ce dernier dispose d’un délai de six mois pour modifier son Creabook et introduire une nouvelle demande d’examen.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Otherwise, the Commission may grant the creator a second defense. In this case, the latter has six months to modify his Creabook and submit a new examination request.
===Article 65.===
===Article 65.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>A défaut, les étoiles ne sont pas ajoutées et, éventuellement, selon la décision du jury, d’autres étoiles peuvent être retirées.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Otherwise, the stars are not added and, possibly, depending on the decision of the jury, other stars may be withdrawn.
===Article 66.===
===Article 66.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Un délai de un an au moins est nécessaire pour solliciter un nouvel examen.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>At least one year is required to request a new review.
==Titre 16. Authenticité==
==Title 16. Authenticity==
===Article 67.===
===Article 67.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Suite à la délivrance du certificat d’originalité, le créateur peut demander à la SmC de mettre en œuvre une procédure de certification afin d’assurer l’authenticité des produits ou services issus d’une ou plusieurs créations.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Following the issuance of the originality certificate, the creator can ask the SmC to implement a certification procedure in order to ensure the authenticity of the products or services resulting from one or more creations.
===Article 68.===
===Article 68.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Après avoir vérifié que la création dispose des certificats d’originalité nécessaires, une commission d’experts est désignée pour procéder à l’examen du cahier de spécifications de la création originale.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>After verifying that the creation has the necessary certificates of originality, a committee of experts is appointed to examine the specifications of the original creation.
===Article 69.===
===Article 69.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Cet examen porte à la fois sur le caractère efficace des normes assurant la reproduction des caractéristiques de la création, la procédure de vérification de cette reproduction, la veille de non-reproduction des caractéristiques d’une création concurrente et la traçabilité des opérations de suivi par une documentation appropriée.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>This examination covers both the effectiveness of the standards ensuring the reproduction of the characteristics of the creation, the procedure for verifying this reproduction, the monitoring of non-reproduction of the characteristics of a competing creation and the traceability of monitoring operations by appropriate documentation.
===Article 70.===
===Article 70.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Une fois le rapport d’examen rédigé, celui-ci est notifié confidentiellement au créateur qui dispose d’un délai de deux mois pour faire connaître ses observations. Après éventuelle révision, la commission lui notifie son rapport définitif.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Once the examination report has been drafted, it is confidentially notified to the creator, who has two months to make his observations known. After possible revision, the committee notifies it of its final report.
===Article 71.===
===Article 71.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Si celui-ci est positif, une cinquième étoile est ajoutée au logo [CP]. Elle signifie que le produit est certifié comme authentique (CP******). Tous les produits et services conformes au cahier de conformité peuvent porter ledit marquage.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>If this is positive, a fifth star is added to the [CP] logo. It means that the product is certified as genuine (CP ******). All products and services that comply with the compliance booklet may bear the said marking.
===Article 72.===
===Article 72.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Si celui-ci est négatif, la Commission peut accorder au créateur un second examen. Auquel cas, ce dernier dispose d’un délai de six mois pour modifier son cahier et introduire une nouvelle demande d’examen.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>If this is negative, the Commission may grant the creator a second examination. In this case, the latter has six months to modify his booklet and submit a new examination request.
===Article 73.===
===Article 73.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>A défaut, les étoiles ne sont pas ajoutées et, éventuellement, sur proposition de la commission, d’autres étoiles peuvent être retirées.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Otherwise, the stars are not added and, possibly, on a proposal from the commission, other stars may be withdrawn.
===Article 74.===
===Article 74.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Le cinquième certificat est accordé pour cinq ans. Si besoin est, une Commission spéciale peut être dépêchée par la SmC pour procéder à des examens complémentaires.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>The fifth certificate is granted for five years. If necessary, a Special Commission can be dispatched by the WcS to carry out additional examinations.
==Titre 17. Ethique==
==Title 17. Ethics==
===Article 75.===
===Article 75.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>La SmC présume la bonne foi des créateurs dans la mise en oeuvre de la Charte éthique. Le créateur est responsable de sa création. La SmC n’exerce pas de contrôle éthique a priori des Creabooks.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>The WcS presumes the good faith of the creators in the implementation of the Ethics’ Charter. The creator is responsible for its creation. The WcS does not exercise a priori ethical control of Creabooks.
===Article 76.===
===Article 76.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>L’utilisateur de la plate-forme a le droit de solliciter auprès du créateur titulaire le retrait par une demande sérieuse, documentée et motivée, de tout ou partie d’un Creabook qui porterait atteinte à l’ordre public et aux bonnes mœurs.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>The user of the platform has the right to request from the titular Creator the withdrawal by a serious, documented and motivated request, of all or part of a Creabook that would undermine public order and good morals.
===Article 77.===
===Article 77.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>En cas de non satisfaction, l’utilisateur peut saisir le modérateur de la SmC. S’il la demande fondée, le modérateur suspend la publication du Creabook. A défaut d'appel par l'auteur auprès de l'Académie dans les six mois, le retrait de la publication devient définitif.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>In case of dissatisfaction, the user can appeal next to the moderator of the WcS. If the request is valid, the moderator suspends the publication of the Creabook. In the absence of an appeal by the author to the Academy within six months, the withdrawal of the publication becomes final.
===Article 78.===
===Article 78.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Le respect de la Charte éthique fait partie de l’examen du jury chargé de certifiier l’originalité d’une création.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Compliance with the Ethics’ Charter is part of the examination by the jury responsible for certifying the originality of a creation.
Article 79.
===Article 79.===
===Article 79.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>En cas de désaccord du créateur avec la décision du jury, l’Académie peut être saisie par le créateur et rendre, en dernier ressort, la décision qu’elle juge appropriée.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>If the creator disagrees with the jury's decision, the Academy may be referred to by the creator and, as a last resort, render the decision it deems appropriate.
==Titre 18. Hypothèque==
==Title 18. Mortgage==
===Article 80.===
===Article 80.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Le contrat Crea ouvre au créateur la possibilité d’apporter la propriété de sa création inscrite sur le Cadastre mondial des Créations en garantie d’un crédit ou d’un avantage nécessaire au développement technique et marketing de sa création.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>The Crea contract opens up the possibility for the creator to bring ownership of his creation registered in the World creations Cadaster as a guarantee of a credit or an advantage necessary for the technical and marketing development of his creation.
==Titre 19. Instrument de crédit et de paiement==
==Title 19. Credit and payment instrument==
===Article 81.===
===Article 81.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>La Creamoni est un jeton de compte, de crédit ou/et de paiement émis en contrepartie d’investissements créatifs.</p>
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>The Creamoni is an account, credit or / and payment token issued in return for creative investments.</p>
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Le logo du Creamoni est formé d’un C traversé de deux barres verticales.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>The Creamoni logo consists of a C crossed by two vertical bars
===Article 82.===
===Article 82.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Des mécanismes de solidarité peuvent être mis en oeuvre pour assurer le remboursement partiel des créanciers d’un créateur défaillant.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Solidarity mechanisms can be implemented to ensure part of the repayment of the creditors of a defaulting creator.
===Article 83.===
===Article 83.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Des mécanismes de traçabilité peuvent être mis en oeuvre pour assurer l’emploi et le suivi des financements objet d’un prêt Creamoni.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Traceability mechanisms can be implemented to ensure the use and monitoring of financing subject to a Creamoni loan.
==Titre 20. Continuation==
==Title 20. Continuation==
===Article 84.===
===Article 84.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Le règlement intérieur de la SmC demande aux créateurs affiliés ou sociétaires d’assurer la continuité des créations, en cas d’indisponibilité ou de décès.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>The internal rules of the WcS require creators, affiliates or members, to ensure the continuity of creations, in the event of unavailability or death.
===Article 85.===
===Article 85.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>En cas de difficultés mettant en cause la continuité des créations, le règlement intérieur prévoit des mesures pour préserver les créations des sociétaires.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>In the event of difficulties involving the continuity of creations, the internal regulations provide for measures to preserve the creations of members.
==Titre 21. Défense==
==Title 21. Defense==
===Article 86.===
===Article 86.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Le règlement intérieur de la SmC assigne un caractère prioritaire à la défense des Creabooks CP **** de ses sociétaires.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>The internal regulations of the WcS assign a priority character to the defense of the CP **** Creabooks of its members.
===Article 87.===
===Article 87.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Des polices d’assurance sont prévues pour assurer cette défense prioritaire de l’intérêt moral des créateurs sociétaires.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Insurance policies are planned to ensure this priority defense of the moral interest of the creators members.
==Titre 22. Référence==
==Title 22. Reference==
===Article 88.===
===Article 88.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Unirefer est un système de référence unique applicable à toutes les activités Creafree et à tous les marchés de la création, quels que soit le pays, la langue ou le secteur.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Unirefer is a single reference system applicable to all Creafree activities and all creation markets, regardless of country, language or sector.
===Article 89.===
===Article 89.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Ce système référence les créations, les acteurs, les produits et les opérations.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>This system references creations, actors, products and operations.
===Article 90.===
===Article 90.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Des mesures sont prises pour assurer d’un côté l’authenticité des acteurs et de l’autre leur anonymat.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Steps are being taken to ensure the authenticity of the actors on the one hand and their anonymity on the other.
===Article 91.===
===Article 91.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Des mesures du type blockchain sont mises en œuvre pour assurer la datation et l’infalsifiabilité des données.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Blockchain-type measures are implemented to ensure the dating and tamper-proofing of the data.
==Titre 23. Participants==
==Title 23. Participants==
===Article 92.===
===Article 92.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Tous les citoyens du monde peuvent participer au Site Creafree en signant via des moyens appropriés une licence d’accès. En cas de mauvaise conduite, cette participation peut être suspendue suivant les procédures organisées par le règlement de la SmC.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>All citizens of the world can participate in the Creafree Site by signing an access license through appropriate means. In the event of misconduct, this participation may be suspended according to the procedures organized by the WcS regulations.
===Article 93.===
===Article 93.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Les participants peuvent recommander des améliorations au créateur en utilisant la case commentaires prévue à cet effet sous chaque Creabook.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Participants can recommend improvements to the creator by using the comments box provided under each Creabook.</p>
Au cas où ces commentaires présentent un caractère créatif et où le créateur souhaite en faire usage, il lui appartient de prendre toute mesure pour obtenir un mandat du participant afin de l’inscrire sur l’annexe portant liste des Co créateurs et, le cas échéant, d’amender le Creabook..
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>In the event that these comments are of a creative nature and where the creator wishes to make use of them, it is up to him to take all measures to obtain a mandate from the participant in order to include it in the annex containing a list of co-creators and, if applicable, to amend the Creabook.
===Article 94.===
===Article 94.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Un processus spécial est organisé par le logiciel du site pour permettre aux participants qui ont trouvé des créations en déshérence de prendre contact avec leurs propriétaires pour recommander un enregistrement de l’œuvre en question sur le site.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>A special process is organized by the site's software to allow participants who have found creations in disinheritance to contact their owners to recommend registration of the work in question on the site.
===Article 95.===
===Article 95.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Un processus spécial est organisé par le logiciel du site pour permettre aux participants, accrédités en tant que Fournisseurs de Services de Partage de Contenu en Ligne, de procéder à l’enregistrement d’un Creabook dès lors qu’ils ont reçu pour ce faire un mandat du créateur.</p>
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>A special process is organized by the site software to allow participants, accredited as Online Content Sharing Service Providers, to register a Creabook once they have received a mandate of the creator.</p>
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Ce processus peut aussi être utilisé par lesdits participants pour enregistrer, selon un tarif réduit, des Creabooks déclarant qu’une création déterminée appartient au domaine public.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>This process can also be used by said participants to register, at a reduced rate, Creabooks declaring that a specific creation belongs to the public domain.
===Article 96.===
===Article 96.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>La SmC peut prévoir pour chacune de ces participations des tarifs de rémunération particuliers.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>The WcS may set specific remuneration rates for each of these participations.
==Titre 24. Notification==
==Title 24. Notification==
===Article 97.===
===Article 97.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Sur demande d’un de ses sociétaires, la SmC entreprend les notifications utiles à la promotion d’une création particulière.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>At the request of one of its members, the SmC undertakes useful notifications for the promotion of a particular creation.
===Article 98.===
===Article 98.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Un sociétaire peut demander à la SmC de délivrer ''une Notification expresse de Création'' en vue d’avertir un service public ou une organisation privée de l’existence de la création afin que ses dirigeants puisse en tirer toutes les conséquences utiles.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>A member may ask the WcS to issue an ''Express Notice of Creation'' in order to notify a public service or a private organization of the existence of the creation so that its managers can draw all the useful consequences.
==Titre 25. Territoire==
==Title 25. Territory==
===Article 99.===
===Article 99.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Une clause territoriale est une clause qui établit un lien contractuel entre tout ou partie de la création et une collectivité territoriale. Ce lien peut être garanti par une hypothèque.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>A territorial clause is a clause which establishes a contractual link between all or part of the creation and a local authority. This bond can be secured by a mortgage.
===Article 100.===
===Article 100.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Ce type de clause peut, par exemple, définir la localisation d’un siège social ou d’un centre de recherches, de certaines activités, de certains emplois pour tout ou partie de la durée d’une création.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>This type of clause can, for example, define the location of a head office or a research center, of certain activities, of certain jobs for all or part of the duration of a creation.
==Titre 26. Partenaires accrédités==
==Title 26. Accredited partners==
===Article 101.===
===Article 101.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Le Groupe de développement est chargé de gérer le réseau des partenaires accrédités. Il lui appartient de prendre toutes mesures utiles pour favoriser la compétence et la déontologie de ces partenaires.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>The Development Group is responsible for managing the network of accredited partners. It is up to him to take all useful measures to promote the competence and ethics of these partners.
===Article 102.===
===Article 102.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Des appels d’offres sont lancés par le Groupe en vue de mettre en place les consortia chargés de gérer les réseaux parties prenantes qui servent ou utilisent la plateforme.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Calls for tenders are launched by the Group with a view to setting up consortia responsible for managing the stakeholder networks that serve or use the platform.
===Article 103.===
===Article 103.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Des licences « Capitales mondiales de la Création » sont concédées par le Groupe ou par sa filiale spécialisée pour la bonne administration (Créapole) des différentes institutions de mise en œuvre dans chaque secteur créatifs.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>“World creation Capitals” licenses are granted by the Group or by its specialized subsidiary for the proper administration (Creapole) of the various implementation institutions in each creative sector.
==Titre 27. Logiciels==
==Title 27. Software==
===Article 104.===
===Article 104.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Le Groupe de développement est propriétaire des logiciels de la plate-forme de la SmC. Les frais de maintenance sont assurés par le SmC.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>The Development Group owns the software for the WcS platform. Maintenance costs are covered by the WcS.
==Titre 28. Liberté==
==Title 28. Liberty==
===Article 105.===
===Article 105.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Toutes les mesures utiles sont prises pour que l’enregistrement d’un Creabook sur le Registre unique des Créations soit perpétuel et demeure ouvert à tous.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>All necessary measures are taken to ensure that the registration of a Creabook on the Single creations Registry is perpetual and remains open to everyone.
===Article 106.===
===Article 106.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Toutes les mesures utiles sont prises pour que, dans les meilleurs délais, les principales langues nationales reconnues par l’ONU puissent être utilisées par la plateforme Creafree.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>All necessary measures are taken to ensure that, as soon as possible, the main national languages recognized by the United Nations can be used by the Creafree platform.
===Article 107.===
===Article 107.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Le prix du dépôt standard peut comporter des bonifications faisant varier son niveau selon la richesse des pays. Il comprend les prestations suivantes :
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>The price of the standard deposit may include bonuses varying its level according to the wealth of the countries. It includes the following services:
# inscription perpétuelle au Registre unique sauf disposition contraire du Standard ;
# perpetual registration in the Single Register unless the Standard provides otherwise;
# enregistrement du Creabook et des revendications accompagnées d’annexes dans la limite de la mémoire allouée ;
# recording of the Creabook and the claims accompanied by appendices within the limit of the memory allocated;
# publication du Creabook durant cinq ans renouvelables sans limite moyennant le paiement d’un forfait quinquennal par le créateur ou par tout intéressé utilisateur du site.
# publication of the Creabook for five years renewable without limit upon payment of a five-year fixed price by the creator or by any interested user of the site.
==Titre 29. Universalité==
==Title 29. Universality==
===Article 108.===
===Article 108.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Le Standard de Propriété Universelle définit le format universel des Creabooks, l’organisation et le fonctionnement du système Creafree.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>The Universal Property Standard defines the universal format of Creabooks, the organization and operation of the Creafree system.
===Article 109.===
===Article 109.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Les organisations concernées sont gérées selon les principes de l’assurance qualité.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>The organizations concerned are managed according to the principles of quality assurance.
==Titre 30. Signature==
==Title 30. Signature==
===Article 110.===
===Article 110.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>Le créateur par sa signature atteste du caractère sincère et de bonne foi de son Creabook.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>The creator by his signature attests to the sincere character and good faith of his Creabook.
===Article 111.===
===Article 111.===
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>En tant qu’affilié ou sociétaire de la SmC, il s’engage à respecter toutes les dispositions du présent Standard ainsi que les manuels d’implémentation préparés et le règlement intérieur édictés par la SmC.
<p style="text-indent: 30px;>As an affiliate or member of the WcS, he undertakes to comply with all the provisions of this Standard as well as the implementation manuals prepared and the internal rules issued by the WcS.

Latest revision as of 15:31, 12 May 2021

Intellectual Property Management System

This Universal Standard has been deposited in 2017by authentic instrument; as an annex to the Creabook on the Creafree system, at Maître Muller Notary in Mulhouse on April 13, 2017.

After being updated by its Technical Committee according to the provisions of its Internal rules, it was adopted by the World creators Society by decision of its General Assembly on October 16, 2020.

In case of uncertainty about the translation, the French version is binding.

WcS Logo.png

World creator's Society
Central Secretariat: 24, rue des Petits Champs - France-68120 Pfastatt.

Cf (c) 2017 All rights of exploitation in any form and in any manner whatsoever reserved worldwide for members of the SmC.


The Intellectual Property Management System standard was developed to implement the provision of Article 15-1-c of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights which provides that:

Everyone has the right to benefit from the protection of moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author.

The said standard has been updated to implement the European Directive 2019/790 on copyright and in particular the following provision taken from its article 17:

An online content sharing service provider (which) performs an act of communication to the public or an act of making available to the public works protected by copyright [...] must obtain authorization from rights holders.


Creation is the act by which an individual derives unprecedented value from nothing. All human beings are creators. Creation is the primary mode of adaptation of mankind to its environment.

The Intellectual Property Management System is a professional standard adopted by the World Society of Creators to optimize the exploitation of the creative potential of humanity. It allows each creator to claim the rights granted to him by the universal treaties, to be able to finance and amortize the development and dissemination of his creation, and to exercise in human society the responsibilities that are his.

Triangle d'adaption 3.jpg

This standard provides simple and effective means to implement the provisions of the European directive which requires any internet provider to obtain the authorization of the rights holder before uploading protected content.

Authorization procedure..jpg

Authorization Process

Open to all creators, the standard provides for Creapoles to promote and regulate activities in each creative sector.



Title 1. User obligations

Article 1.

This professional norm, here called standard, defines a management system providing to the author of a creation a superior property title to ensure the protection of his rights.

Article 2.

According to general principles of law, possession is equivalent to title.

Any reader of a Creation Book (Creabook) assumes that, unless proven otherwise, the author is the creator of its content.

Said reader who intends to use the creation as described undertakes to respect the material and moral rights of the creator.

Said reader undertakes to designate the creation as described by this Creabook under the name chosen by the creator preceded by the Protected Content logo [CP].

Said reader agrees to comply with the content of the Creabook and the prescriptions it contains.

Article 3.

The platform developed for the implementation of the Standard provides any user who so desires with the means to contradict the presumption described in article 2 according to the procedure established by the World Society of Creators (WcS).

Article 4.

It is up to the said user to base his contradiction on real and serious arguments contesting all or part of the content protected by the Creabook, supported by precise, referenced and verifiable documents.

Article 5.

Failing to obtain the necessary corrections or withdrawals from the creator, the SmC moderator may be seized of the dispute. The latter proposes the decision that seems most appropriate to the case.

Article 6.

The party who considers this decision unfounded may lodge an amicable appeal according to the provisions of the Standard and the rules of the WcS.

Article 7.

In case of incorrect behavior from a user, the moderator may suspend his authorization to comment for a period of six months. After a second suspension, he can pronounce the prohibition of participation of this user in the site or in all the comments of the platform for the duration that he deems appropriate.

Title 2. Founding licenses

Article 8.

The creator of Creafree grants one or more licenses for the financing, installation, promotion and implementation of the Standard to the Group responsible for the development of the SmC and its platform.

Article 9.

The WcS Development Group grants a site administration sub-license to WcS.

Sub-groups can be formed for the administration of each sector of activity. The main business sector of a creation is determined by the creator when registering his creation.

Title 3. Ethical launch

Article 10.

The adoption of the WcS's Ethics Charter is marked by the designation and installation ceremonies of the first members of the General Academy of Creations. The number of academics is limited to 40. Their mandate lasts five years from the date of the election.

Sectorial Academies of Creations can be created for each particular sector of creation.

Article 11.

Once the first eight members are installed, the General Academy of Creations adopts its provisional internal rules and can validly deliberate on matters within its competence.

Article 12.

A vacant seat is declared by the Academy following a long-term inability to sit, resignation or death. The renewal is organized by election by an absolute majority of the members composing the Academy within six months of the vacancy. The candidates are presented by the eight members, acting alone or collectively, of one of the five Colleges of the creative sector where the vacancy has been noted.

Article 13.

The certification of Creabooks is carried out according to the rules set by this Standard, the internal regulations and the SmC's Ethics Charter. The Academy issues an opinion prior to the adoption of any of these rules.

Title 4. Single register of creations

Article 14.

Each creation is registered in the Single register of Creations. This register displays the data entered to reference the Creabook: the name of the author, the denomination, the distinctive sign, a serial number, the sector, an abstract, the version and date of receipt of the deposit and the status of the creation.

Article 15.

A simplified registration regime on the Single register of Creations for raw files containing original works. This simplified regime displays the data concerning: the name of the author, the denomination, a serial number, the sector, an abstract, the version and the date of reception of the deposit and the status of the creation. It does not give rise to the drafting of a Creabook and cannot benefit from the certification system after the first star. The raw file annexed to the registry is the subject of a BlockChain fingerprint.

Article 16.

The creator can use a pseudonym the Register as in all his publications. It is up to the SmC to ensure its real identity or that of the holder of the rights through a Know Your Customer procedure and to take all necessary measures to ensure that confidentiality is protected.

Article 17.

The Registry allows users of the platform to access the data contained in the Creabook and its non crypted annexes.

Article 18.

The name of the title of the Creabook may be reused provided that it is aimed at a creation whose purpose cannot be confused with a previous one.

Article 19.

It is up to the creator to update the data in the Register which affects the content of his property whenever this appears necessary according to the rules set by this Standard and the internal regulations of the Society.

Title 5. Publication of books

Article 20.

The Creabook is published by the creator on the related database. It is perpetually accessible via the Registry and via the Creabooks search engine.

Article 21.

The duration of the first publication is five years. It can be renewed indefinitely subject to the payment by the creator, or by a potential reader, of the price set by the WcS. The publication of a Creabook and / or its annexes may be suspended in the event of violation of any of the rules defined by this Standard or by the Society's internal regulations.

Title 6. System installation

Article 22.

The WcS Development Group takes the necessary measures for the establishment and proper functioning of the WcS website platform and for the development of the creation market.

Article 23.

To this end, the Group puts in place the necessary tools and cooperation so that creators can cooperate, disseminate their offers, receive useful assistance and so that stakeholders can publish their requests on said platform.

Title 7. Good conduct and amicable settlement

Article 24.

The license which opens access to the Creafree internet platform defines an online amicable settlement procedure including conciliation, mediation and arbitration. It includes a mediation procedure delivered despite the default of one of the parties. It provides for forms, reports, prices and software to help the various players.

The amicable settlement procedure is included in all contracts for the implementation of Creabook title deed.

It includes the Code of User Conduct adopted by the WcS Board of Directors.

Article 25.

It also defines the precautionary measures and the sanctions that can be applied to users whose incorrect behavior would prove to be detrimental to good relations between members, affiliates, experts, advisers, participants, partners, investors and other users of the WcS services.

Article 26.

The report or notice of copyright infringement forms include the following particulars:

  • Name and address of the titular creator;
  • Name of the Creabook title;
  • Name and address of the declared infringer;
  • False name of author and origin or no mention;
  • False stamp / logo or absence of presence;
  • Counterfeit of the creative element 1;
  • Counterfeit of the creative element 2;
  • Counterfeit of creative element n;
  • Copy(ies) of the proof files;
  • Copy of the Creabook;
  • Declared damage.

Article 27.

The content of the good conduct rules is continuously improved, in particular taking into account best practices, according to the quality assurance processes put in place under the authority of the President of the WcS.

Title 8. Origin of creation

Article 28.

The Creabook is a property title that declares why, when and how the creation was formed in the author's mind and shows that its expression belongs to the creator (s).

Article 29.

The creator is the first person who expresses the creation. In the event that he represents several people, it is his responsibility to publish in a special annex to the Creabook the role and mandate of each co-creator. No Creabook can be filed with the WcS without the express consent of the rights holder.

Article 30.

The Creabook demonstrates that the creator is the origin of at least one creative element that makes up his creation and that it is the result of a generative event that marked his person and / or those who commission him. After having described the problem to which each element is addressed, the author of the Creabook presents the generating factor, describes the expression of the creation and its implementation.

Title 9. Means of its implementation

Article 31.

The description may only contain general aspects of the implementation.

Article 32.

The details of the implementation of the creation are returned in the annexes, encrypted or not, according to the choice of the creator. Encrypted annexes are in principle protected by secrecy and their content must not be disclosed.

Title 10. Claim

Article 33.

The penultimate part of each creative item in the Creabook contains the claim defining originality and the extent of the creator's ownership.

Article 34.

The last part specifies the distinctions that make it possible to distinguish said creative element from the state of the art.

Article 35.

The dates of the generating factor, the expression and the implementation of each creative element are supported by the evidence annexed to the Creabook.

Article 36.

In the absence of an older date, the date of signature of the Creabook is taken as the reference value.

Title 11. Publishing contract

Article 37.

In the last part of the Creabook, the creator makes the following commitments:

  • welcome with kindness all comments made for or against the value of the Creabook;
  • respond within 30 days to a negative comment based on real and serious evidence contesting all or part of his rights;
  • take any measure necessary to preserve its creation following a dispute;
  • notify at least 72 hours before its effective date of any act affecting the perimeter, nature, extent or effects of its property right on the creation (including licenses);
  • guarantee by his personal guarantee the exclusivity of the registration of his book on the Single register of Creations and the publication of acts affecting the status of his property right in the creation;
  • continue to constantly improve the qualities of its creation;
  • subscribe to all of his obligations as affiliate or member of the SmC, in particular those relating to the organization of his succession as creator.

Article 38.

His signature confirms the above commitments.

Title 12. Standard provision

Article 39.

The Creabook and its annexes follow a standard structure.

Article 40.

The book consists of an introduction, at least one creative element, an economic evaluation part and a contractual part.

Article 41.

Standard tags are used to structure the creative element (s) that make up the creation:

  1. Problem
  2. Factor
  3. Expression
  4. Implementation
  5. Claim
  6. Distinction

Title 13. Certification of conformity

Article 42.

After a period of six months during which the Creabook is exposed to comments from users of the Platform and following the adjustments to which the Creator agrees to make, the latter may ask the WcS to appoint an expert so that its compliance is certified.

Article 43.

The examiner, who is bound by professional secrecy, receives a pass from the creator to allow him to consult any encrypted annexes.

Article 44.

The conformity check is a formal check which aims to assure users that the Creabook conforms to the requirements of this Standard; that is to say:

  • all the standard parts and tags have been correctly entered;
  • the claims are explained and described in the preceding parts;
  • the annexed documents contain documents which justify any priority dates invoked by the Creabook;
  • creation is differentiated in relation to prior art;
  • the creator has signed the required commitments;
  • the creator has responded credibly to the disputes that have been raised against him by the users of the Platform.

Article 45.

Once the examination report has been drafted, it is notified confidentially to the creator, who has two months to make his observations known to the examiner and possibly modify the Creabook. The latter then notifies to the creator, after the possible revision of the Creabook, of its final report.

Article 46.

No a priori control is carried out by WcS on the Creabooks. The presumption of originality it enjoys is marked by the star * next to the logo [CP].

If the compliance report is positive, a second star is added to the logo [CP *] which indicates that the Creabook is certified as compliant [CP **].

Creabooks whose conformity has been certified are referenced on the World creations Cadaster.

Article 47.

In the event of non-compliance, the first star certifying the compliance of the Creabook is withdrawn.

Title 14. Certification of economic value

Article 48.

Following the certification of conformity, the creator can ask the WcS to appoint an expert so that the estimate of the economic value of his creation is examined.

Article 49.

The examiner, who is bound by professional secrecy, receives a pass from the creator to allow him to consult all the annexes, including those possibly encrypted.

Article 50.

Without going back to the previous conformity assessment, the expert first checks that any disputes by users of the economic value of the creation have received a credible response from the creator.

Article 51.

The control of the estimate of economic value is a formal control which aims to ensure that the declaration conforms to the requirements of this Standard. The expert checks the presence of the following estimation elements:

  1. the technical value of creation. This value is the result of comparison (s) between the product (s) resulting from the creation and the competing product (s).
  2. the labor cost value of the creator and that of any other participants in the creative work. This value is approximate. It is the result of the addition to the date of the estimate of the working days devoted to the realization of the main creative elements that constitute creation.
  3. the creation market and its major trends. To do this, the Creabook must describe existing markets, consumer expectations and major trends in development.
  4. the economic model for the exploitation of creation. To do this, the Creabook must describe the sources of income and how the business is run.
  5. the target value of the creation. The gross margin achieved in the year t thanks to the level of technical and marketing investments allocated.

Article 52.

The expert verifies the existence of sources for each figure cited and the accuracy of these. It then checks the reasonableness and plausibility of all forecasts contained in the designer's assessment.

Article 53.

Once the examination report has been drafted, it is notified confidentially to the creator, who has two months to make his observations known to the expert examiner. The latter notifies to the creator, after possible revision of the Creabook, its final report.

Article 54.

If this is positive, a third star is added to the label [CP] which indicates that the declaration is certified as compliant [CP ***].

Article 55.

If it is negative, the third star is not added.

Article 56.

Six months are required before a new examination can be requested.

Title 15. Certification of originality

Article 57.

Following the economic certification, the creator can ask the SmC to appoint a jury of 3 to 5 members to examine the originality of the creation.

Article 58.

The examination procedure takes a form similar to the defense of a university doctoral thesis. A member of the WcS is appointed to organize and monitor the progress of operations.

Article 59.

Each of the jury members, who have received the password to access all the encrypted annexes, reads the Creabook and writes a preliminary examination note. Once the notes have been exchanged between the different members, the President of the Jury sets the date of the defense in agreement with the creator and with the SmC member in charge of the organization.

Article 60.

The defense is carried out worldwide in a common language of reference. The Creabook must have been previously translated into this language. If necessary, the creator is assisted by an interpreter with the necessary skills.

Article 61.

The control of the originality of the creation is a control of form and substance which aims to ensure that the Creabook complies with all the stipulations of this Standard and in particular that:

  1. the declarant is indeed the author of the creation;
  2. he has all the necessary mandates;
  3. the reviews of conformity and economics are well founded;
  4. the work appears to the members of the jury as having an original character.

Article 62.

Once the examination report has been drafted, it is confidentially notified to the creator, who has two months to make his observations known. After possible revision of the Creabook, the Commission notifies to the creator its final report.

Article 63.

If this is positive, a fourth star is added to the [CP] logo. It means that the Creabook is certified as original (CP ****).

Article 64.

Otherwise, the Commission may grant the creator a second defense. In this case, the latter has six months to modify his Creabook and submit a new examination request.

Article 65.

Otherwise, the stars are not added and, possibly, depending on the decision of the jury, other stars may be withdrawn.

Article 66.

At least one year is required to request a new review.

Title 16. Authenticity

Article 67.

Following the issuance of the originality certificate, the creator can ask the SmC to implement a certification procedure in order to ensure the authenticity of the products or services resulting from one or more creations.

Article 68.

After verifying that the creation has the necessary certificates of originality, a committee of experts is appointed to examine the specifications of the original creation.

Article 69.

This examination covers both the effectiveness of the standards ensuring the reproduction of the characteristics of the creation, the procedure for verifying this reproduction, the monitoring of non-reproduction of the characteristics of a competing creation and the traceability of monitoring operations by appropriate documentation.

Article 70.

Once the examination report has been drafted, it is confidentially notified to the creator, who has two months to make his observations known. After possible revision, the committee notifies it of its final report.

Article 71.

If this is positive, a fifth star is added to the [CP] logo. It means that the product is certified as genuine (CP ******). All products and services that comply with the compliance booklet may bear the said marking.

Article 72.

If this is negative, the Commission may grant the creator a second examination. In this case, the latter has six months to modify his booklet and submit a new examination request.

Article 73.

Otherwise, the stars are not added and, possibly, on a proposal from the commission, other stars may be withdrawn.

Article 74.

The fifth certificate is granted for five years. If necessary, a Special Commission can be dispatched by the WcS to carry out additional examinations.

Title 17. Ethics

Article 75.

The WcS presumes the good faith of the creators in the implementation of the Ethics’ Charter. The creator is responsible for its creation. The WcS does not exercise a priori ethical control of Creabooks.

Article 76.

The user of the platform has the right to request from the titular Creator the withdrawal by a serious, documented and motivated request, of all or part of a Creabook that would undermine public order and good morals.

Article 77.

In case of dissatisfaction, the user can appeal next to the moderator of the WcS. If the request is valid, the moderator suspends the publication of the Creabook. In the absence of an appeal by the author to the Academy within six months, the withdrawal of the publication becomes final.

Article 78.

Compliance with the Ethics’ Charter is part of the examination by the jury responsible for certifying the originality of a creation. Article 79.

Article 79.

If the creator disagrees with the jury's decision, the Academy may be referred to by the creator and, as a last resort, render the decision it deems appropriate.

Title 18. Mortgage

Article 80.

The Crea contract opens up the possibility for the creator to bring ownership of his creation registered in the World creations Cadaster as a guarantee of a credit or an advantage necessary for the technical and marketing development of his creation.

Title 19. Credit and payment instrument

Article 81.

The Creamoni is an account, credit or / and payment token issued in return for creative investments.

The Creamoni logo consists of a C crossed by two vertical bars

Article 82.

Solidarity mechanisms can be implemented to ensure part of the repayment of the creditors of a defaulting creator.

Article 83.

Traceability mechanisms can be implemented to ensure the use and monitoring of financing subject to a Creamoni loan.

Title 20. Continuation

Article 84.

The internal rules of the WcS require creators, affiliates or members, to ensure the continuity of creations, in the event of unavailability or death.

Article 85.

In the event of difficulties involving the continuity of creations, the internal regulations provide for measures to preserve the creations of members.

Title 21. Defense

Article 86.

The internal regulations of the WcS assign a priority character to the defense of the CP **** Creabooks of its members.

Article 87.

Insurance policies are planned to ensure this priority defense of the moral interest of the creators members.

Title 22. Reference

Article 88.

Unirefer is a single reference system applicable to all Creafree activities and all creation markets, regardless of country, language or sector.

Article 89.

This system references creations, actors, products and operations.

Article 90.

Steps are being taken to ensure the authenticity of the actors on the one hand and their anonymity on the other.

Article 91.

Blockchain-type measures are implemented to ensure the dating and tamper-proofing of the data.

Title 23. Participants

Article 92.

All citizens of the world can participate in the Creafree Site by signing an access license through appropriate means. In the event of misconduct, this participation may be suspended according to the procedures organized by the WcS regulations.

Article 93.

Participants can recommend improvements to the creator by using the comments box provided under each Creabook.

In the event that these comments are of a creative nature and where the creator wishes to make use of them, it is up to him to take all measures to obtain a mandate from the participant in order to include it in the annex containing a list of co-creators and, if applicable, to amend the Creabook.

Article 94.

A special process is organized by the site's software to allow participants who have found creations in disinheritance to contact their owners to recommend registration of the work in question on the site.

Article 95.

A special process is organized by the site software to allow participants, accredited as Online Content Sharing Service Providers, to register a Creabook once they have received a mandate of the creator.

This process can also be used by said participants to register, at a reduced rate, Creabooks declaring that a specific creation belongs to the public domain.

Article 96.

The WcS may set specific remuneration rates for each of these participations.

Title 24. Notification

Article 97.

At the request of one of its members, the SmC undertakes useful notifications for the promotion of a particular creation.

Article 98.

A member may ask the WcS to issue an Express Notice of Creation in order to notify a public service or a private organization of the existence of the creation so that its managers can draw all the useful consequences.

Title 25. Territory

Article 99.

A territorial clause is a clause which establishes a contractual link between all or part of the creation and a local authority. This bond can be secured by a mortgage.

Article 100.

This type of clause can, for example, define the location of a head office or a research center, of certain activities, of certain jobs for all or part of the duration of a creation.

Title 26. Accredited partners

Article 101.

The Development Group is responsible for managing the network of accredited partners. It is up to him to take all useful measures to promote the competence and ethics of these partners.

Article 102.

Calls for tenders are launched by the Group with a view to setting up consortia responsible for managing the stakeholder networks that serve or use the platform.

Article 103.

“World creation Capitals” licenses are granted by the Group or by its specialized subsidiary for the proper administration (Creapole) of the various implementation institutions in each creative sector.

Title 27. Software

Article 104.

The Development Group owns the software for the WcS platform. Maintenance costs are covered by the WcS.

Title 28. Liberty

Article 105.

All necessary measures are taken to ensure that the registration of a Creabook on the Single creations Registry is perpetual and remains open to everyone.

Article 106.

All necessary measures are taken to ensure that, as soon as possible, the main national languages recognized by the United Nations can be used by the Creafree platform.

Article 107.

The price of the standard deposit may include bonuses varying its level according to the wealth of the countries. It includes the following services:

  1. perpetual registration in the Single Register unless the Standard provides otherwise;
  2. recording of the Creabook and the claims accompanied by appendices within the limit of the memory allocated;
  3. publication of the Creabook for five years renewable without limit upon payment of a five-year fixed price by the creator or by any interested user of the site.

Title 29. Universality

Article 108.

The Universal Property Standard defines the universal format of Creabooks, the organization and operation of the Creafree system.

Article 109.

The organizations concerned are managed according to the principles of quality assurance.

Title 30. Signature

Article 110.

The creator by his signature attests to the sincere character and good faith of his Creabook.

Article 111.

As an affiliate or member of the WcS, he undertakes to comply with all the provisions of this Standard as well as the implementation manuals prepared and the internal rules issued by the WcS.